Dak Management System (DMS)

Dak Management System
Dak Management System (DMS) is a package for maintenance of all type of Daks such as Letters, Mails, Fax, Post etc in once place. This software can be integrated with any other software or can be used separately. This software should have end-to-end solution for all daks registration, distribution, responding to the dak, storage of related documents and responses safely at one place.
This way software should contribute to overall growth and development of the organization.
Features of DMS Application
Important Features of this Application
Director Secretariat should able to initiate the dak by entering all the dak details.
Marking the members for sending daks to them and distribution of daks to all the members.
Dak status should show initiation, Acknowledgment, reply, approval and closed.
All the recipient members of the dak has to reply for the dak.
Recipient members should able to assign any other officers for their reply before member reply to the dak received.
Separate flow for reply required type daks and information purpose only daks.
Notifications to members and caseworkers whenever dak is distributed or assigned.
Reports should include list of all the daks with status and tracking history for every dak.
Closing authority can be any of the officers called members or P & C DO.
Get approval from the director before closing of the dak.
Separate list for pending for distribution, daks list, received list, P & C DO list, Director List and Closed list.
Providing access to different lists based on their role.
Feature for frequent inter-communication with any of the officers in the organization related to any dak till closure for seeking any information.
Tracking the status of the Daks and capturing time stamping for every acknowledgement, reply, approval and closure of the dak.
Reports should include search for any dak using dak keywords, reference number, subject etc.
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